Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible Story for Kids

Explore the inspiring tale of "Daniel's Miraculous Escape - Bible Story for Kids"! Follow Daniel's journey of faith and courage as he faces a den of lions and emerges unscathed, showing the power of trust in God.

Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible story for kids. Pay to God - Daniel and the Lions Escape

Daniel's Devotion

In the kingdom of Babylon, there lived a wise and faithful man named Daniel. He served King Darius and was known for his devotion to God.

Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible story for kids

Daniel prayed three times a day, seeking guidance and strength. His unwavering faith made him beloved by many but also envied by some.

The Jealous Officials

Some of the king's officials were jealous of Daniel's favor with the king. They devised a plan to trap him by convincing King Darius to issue a decree that anyone who prayed to any god or human other than the king would be thrown into a den of lions.

Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible story for kids

Knowing Daniel's faith, they were certain he would be caught.

The King's Decree

Despite the decree, Daniel continued to pray to God as he always did. The jealous officials caught him in the act and reported him to the king.

Though King Darius valued Daniel and was distressed by the situation, he was bound by his own law and reluctantly ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lions' den.

In the Lion's Den

That night, Daniel was cast into the den of lions. King Darius, troubled and unable to sleep, hoped that Daniel's God would save him. In the den, Daniel remained calm and prayed.

Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible story for kids. Pay to God - Daniel and the Lions

Miraculously, an angel of God appeared and shut the mouths of the lions, keeping Daniel safe through the night.

A Miraculous Escape

At dawn, King Darius hurried to the den and called out to Daniel. To his great relief, Daniel answered, unharmed. The king rejoiced and ordered Daniel to be lifted from the den.

Daniel in the Lion's Den - Bible story for kids. Pay to God - Daniel and the Lions Escape

The jealous officials who had plotted against Daniel were punished, and King Darius issued a decree praising the God of Daniel, who had saved him from the lions.

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