Noah's Ark Story for Kids

Join Noah and his family on an incredible journey as they build an ark, gather animals from all over the world, and sail through a great flood to find a new beginning.

Noah's Ark Story for Kids

The Message from Above

Long ago, in a peaceful village, there lived a kind and wise man named Noah. One day, as Noah was tending to his garden, he heard a voice from the sky.

The Message from Above - Noah Ark

It was God, who told Noah that a great flood was coming to cleanse the world and that Noah must build an ark to save his family and two of every kind of animal.

Noah listened carefully and began to plan. He gathered his family and told them about the great task ahead. They all agreed to help and started building the enormous ark.

Building the Ark

Noah and his family worked tirelessly to build the ark. They cut down trees, shaped the wood, and hammered nails. The ark was enormous, with three levels to accommodate the many animals and all the supplies they would need.

Building the Ark - Noah

As the days turned into weeks, the villagers watched in amazement. Some laughed at Noah, but he continued his work with determination, knowing that he was fulfilling a divine mission.

Gathering the Animals

Once the ark was complete, Noah and his family began the next part of their mission: gathering the animals. They traveled far and wide, inviting pairs of every animal to join them on the ark. Lions, elephants, giraffes, birds, and even tiny insects came from all directions, guided by a mysterious force.

Gathering the Animals - Noah Ark

The animals entered the ark in pairs, and Noah's family made sure they were all comfortable and had enough food and water for the journey ahead.

The Great Flood

The sky darkened, and heavy rain began to fall. The villagers who had mocked Noah now looked on in fear as the waters rose higher and higher. Noah's family and all the animals were safely inside the ark, which floated on the rising waters.

The Great Flood - Noah Ark

For forty days and forty nights, it rained without stopping. The ark sailed on the endless sea, with Noah and his family caring for the animals and praying for the storm to end.

A New Beginning

One day, the rain stopped, and the sun began to shine. The waters slowly receded, and the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. Noah sent out a dove to find dry land, and when it returned with an olive branch, they knew it was time to leave the ark.

A New Beginning - Noah Ark

Noah, his family, and all the animals stepped out into a fresh, new world. They were grateful for their safety and the chance to start anew. Noah built an altar to thank God for guiding them through the storm and promised to take care of the earth and all its creatures.

The End

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