The Creation Story: How God Made the World

Discover the amazing story of how God created the world in seven days. This Bible story for kids explains the beauty of God's creation, from the bright sun to the animals that roam the earth. Learn how everything came to life through God's love.

The Creation Story: How God Made the World

In the beginning, there was nothing—no light, no land, no people. But God had a wonderful plan to fill the world with life. With His mighty power, God began to create everything, one day at a time.

On the first day, God said, "Let there be light!" And just like that, the darkness disappeared, and light shone bright. God called the light "day" and the darkness "night."

On the second day, God created the sky, separating the waters above from the waters below. He made the heavens, a beautiful blue sky for all to enjoy.

On the third day, God said, "Let the waters gather together and let dry land appear." And it happened! God created the land and the seas. Then He made all kinds of plants and trees, covering the land with colorful flowers and delicious fruits.

On the fourth day, God placed the sun in the sky to give warmth during the day and the moon and stars to shine at night. Now, there was time for day and time for night, perfect for rest and work.

On the fifth day, God filled the seas with swimming creatures—fish of all kinds and sizes—and He made the birds to fly across the sky, singing songs of joy.

On the sixth day, God made all the animals: the lions, elephants, and even the little rabbits. Then, God created something very special. He made man and woman, Adam and Eve, in His own image. They would care for the earth and all its creatures.

On the seventh day, God rested. He looked at everything He had made and saw that it was good. The world was perfect, filled with life, beauty, and love.

This story of creation shows us how powerful and loving God is. Everything in our world—from the trees to the stars in the sky—was made with care and love by God. And just like Adam and Eve, we are all part of God's beautiful creation.

Moral: God created the world for us to care for and enjoy. Every part of creation is a gift from Him.