The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids

Discover the inspiring tale of "The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids"! Follow Esther's journey from a humble girl to a brave queen who saves her people, teaching us about courage and faith.

The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids

Esther Becomes Queen

In the ancient kingdom of Persia, there lived a young Jewish girl named Esther. She was kind, beautiful, and full of grace.

The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids - Esther Becomes Queen

When the king of Persia, Xerxes, was looking for a new queen, he held a grand contest to find the most beautiful and worthy woman in the land.

Esther was chosen for her beauty and grace, but more importantly, for her kind heart. She was crowned queen, yet she kept her Jewish heritage a secret, as advised by her cousin Mordecai.

Mordecai’s Warning

Mordecai, who had raised Esther, was a wise and loyal man. One day, he overheard a plot to kill the king and quickly warned Esther.

The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids - Mordecai’s Warning

She informed the king, and the plot was thwarted. Mordecai’s loyalty was noted, but he did not receive any immediate reward.

Later, Mordecai discovered another plot, this time against the Jewish people, orchestrated by the king’s advisor, Haman, who despised Mordecai and the Jews. Haman convinced the king to issue a decree to destroy all the Jews in the kingdom.

Esther's Brave Decision

When Mordecai learned of Haman's evil plan, he sent word to Esther, urging her to plead with the king to save their people.

The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids - Esther's Brave Decision

Esther was afraid, for approaching the king without being summoned could mean death. However, Mordecai reminded her that she might have become queen for this very purpose.

Gathering her courage, Esther decided to risk her life to save her people. She asked Mordecai and all the Jews to fast and pray for three days while she prepared to approach the king.

Esther's Banquet

After three days, Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace. When the king saw her, he was pleased and extended his golden scepter to her, signaling that she could approach.

The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids - King Xerxes

Esther invited the king and Haman to a banquet she had prepared. During the banquet, she revealed her Jewish heritage and exposed Haman’s plot to destroy her people.

The king was furious and ordered Haman to be punished, revoking the decree against the Jews.

The Festival of Purim

Thanks to Esther's bravery and faith, the Jewish people were saved.

The king issued a new decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. The Jews celebrated their victory and the survival of their people.

The Story of Esther - Bible Stories for Kids - Festival of Purim - Persia

In honor of Esther’s courage and the deliverance of the Jewish people, the festival of Purim was established.

It is celebrated with joy and thanksgiving, reminding everyone of the importance of faith, courage, and standing up for what is right.